<aside> <img src="/icons/browser-stop_pink.svg" alt="/icons/browser-stop_pink.svg" width="40px" /> Please note: Thank you for your interest in The HBAR Foundation Pilot RFP Program. This program has now concluded. RFP winners and the associated grant information will be updated on the Applied Grants page! For more information on individual grants, please follow The HBAR Foundation Blog and X accounts.


The HBAR Foundation RFP Program - Application Form

To apply for an RFP, please select in the Application Form the:

The RFP Program is a 2-step application process.

To begin your application, please **apply** on The HBAR Foundation website and a member of our team will assess whether the proposal meets the RFP evaluation criteria and eligibility. If the application passes the initial assessment, it will progress to the Screening/Scoping process.

During the Screening & Scoping process, the applicant will undergo due diligence and the Tech Review. If the application is deemed viable to move forward, they will be required to complete the Grant Request Form. The Grant Request Form is the final document that will be sent to the Foundation Grant Committee for review and Legal will use it to draft the grant agreement if you are awarded the grant. Please make a copy of the Grant Request Form template when filling it out.

KYC/KYB Process

The Know Your Customer/Know Your Business (KYC/KYB) Process will take place after the Foundation Grant Committee decision has been made to move forward with the grant. Provenance, a third party will conduct the KYC/KYB while our legal team drafts the grant agreement using the information provided in the Grant Request Form. All grant recipients must pass the third-party KYC/KYB processes to be awarded a grant.

<aside> ℹ️ For any questions about the RFP program, email us at [email protected] and we will do our best to respond promptly.


Next page: Awarded RFPs require milestone-based grants. Learn more about the Milestone Guidelines here.